Martha K. Matthews
Energetic musician specializing in instruction and development of music programs. Consistently encourages open communication between department employees. Flexible, versatile and skilled at maintaining excellent standards.
Award winning conductor
Superior band competition ratings
Positive and encouraging
Meticulous administrative skills
Editing and graphic design
Experienced manager of adults
Alere Accounting
Smart Music
M.Mus. Flute Performance University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 1992
B.Mus. Music Education Houghton College, Houghton, NY 1987
Current Professional Activity
Handbell Director
Kalamazoo Ringers, Kalamazoo, MI 2018-present
Director of longest continually running professional-level community handbell ensemble in the United States. Collaboration with Kalamazoo Male Chorus, Kalamazoo Brass.
Handbell Director
Csehy Summer School of Music, Langhorne, PA 2003-present
Ensemble experience for advanced high school piano and voice majors at intense summer music camp.
Teaching Experience
Founder and Director
Philadelphia Bronze, Bryn Mawr, PA 2007-2017
Professional level handbell ensemble featuring highest-level classical and contemporary repertoire. Collaboration with National Constitution Center, Liberty Bell, Longwood Gardens, Westminster Brass, Handbell Musicians of America.
Adjunct Professor of Woodwind Methods
Eastern University, St. David’s, PA 2013-2017
Taught flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe and bassoon to Music Education majors.
Developed curriculum using Smart Music program.
Supervised students in development of lesson plans and classroom management.
Band Director
Delaware County Christian School, Newtown Square, PA 2008-2011
Conducted and directed middle and high school bands.
Consistently won Music in the Parks competitions.
Conducted rehearsals, concerts and high school musicals.
Formulated successful band and private lesson strategies.
Supervised private lesson program and teachers.
Orchestra Director
The Baldwin School, Bryn Mawr, PA 2007-2008
Conducted and directed middle and lower school orchestras.
Toured Italy as instrumental ensemble director.
Adjunct Music Professor
Lancaster Bible College, Lancaster, PA 2005-2007
Taught music history using Grout, Machlis and other sources.
Developed Basic Experiences in Music course, incorporating history, theory, education,
theology and philosophy of music in school and worship.
Directed flute ensemble.
Taught private flute lessons.
Handbell Director
Delaware County Christian School, Newtown Square, PA 1999-2000
Directed auditioned high school handbell ensemble.
General Music Teacher
Westminster Academy, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1992-1998
Developed junior high general music curriculum incorporating history, theory and handbells.
Music Teacher
South Colonie Schools, Colonie, NY 1988-1990
Taught high school theory and instrumental music.
Utilized Silver Burdett curriculum in elementary and special education music classes.
General Music Teacher
Schenectady City Schools, Schenectady, NY 1987-1988
Taught junior high general music choral classes.
Additional Professional Experience
Philadelphia Regional Director, Alliance of Christian Musicians 2004-2017
Director of Sales, Malmark Bellcraftsmen, Inc., 2015-2016
Handbell Director, Proclamation Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr, PA 2001-2015
PA State Representative, American Guild of English Handbell Ringers 2005-2009
Membership Chairman, American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Area IV 1997-1999
Handbell Director, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 1993-1998
Handbell Director, Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, NY 1993-96, 2001-02
Music/Band Director, Camp-of-the Woods, Speculator, NY 1994-1995
Music Staff, Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, NY 1981-1986, 89, 93
Additional Accomplishments
Composes and arranges handbell repertoire
Composes and arranges flute repertoire
Mentors new composers
Offering Our Best: Nurturing Ringers Toward Effective Worship, Overtones, Handbell Musicians of America National Magazine, March/April 2007
Sharing a Legacy: Handbells at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Overtones, Handbell Musicians of America National Magazine, March/April 2016
Authored articles and reviews, Alliance of Christian Musicians Magazine
Flute Performance
Artist in Residence, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church
Principal Flutist, Florida Wind Symphony
Flute/Piccolo, Gold Coast Opera
Flute/Piccolo, Florida Symphonic Pops
Flute Soloist, Spokane Symphony
Principal Flutist, Washington Idaho Symphony
Principal Flutist, Continental Orchestra
Principal Flutist, New York State Band Director’s Association Wind Ensemble
Flute Study
Studied: Amy Porter, Gary Schocker, David Cramer, Christine Nield, Richard Hahn,
John Oberbrunner, Joanna Bassett, Lois Wilt, Mark Russo, Jean Hayes
Masterclass: James Galway, Bonita Boyd
Handbell Collaboration
Don Allured, Christine Anderson, Jeffrey Bayshore, David Davidson, Cynthia Dobrinski, Louise Frier, David Harris, Kevin McChesney, Hart Morris, Mary Kay Parrish, William Payn, Arnold Sherman, Tammy Waldrop, Timothy Waugh