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17 Big Daily Finger Exercises, Taffanel/Gaubert
Complete Daily Exercises for Flute, Wye
Daily Exercises for the Flute, Maquarre
Indispensable Scales, Exercises and Etudes for the Developing Flutist, Gilliam/McCaskill
Pares Scales for Flute, arr. Pares/Whistler
18 Exercises or Etudes for Flute, Berbiguer
24 Progressive Studies for Flute, Anderson op. 33
30 Caprices, Karg-Elert, op. 107
Melodious and Progressive Studies for Flute, arr. Cavally
Twenty-Five Romantic Etudes for Flute, Kohler
Solo Collections
Belwin Master Solos, EASY, arr. Snell
Belwin Master Solos, INTERMEDIATE, arr. Snell
Belwin Master Solos, ADVANCED, arr. Snell
24 Short Concert Pieces, arr. Cavally
Concert and Contest Collection for Flute, ed. Voxman
Flute Music by French Composers, ed. L. Moyse